Table 3 of Atan, Mol Vis 2013; 19:184-195.

Table 3. Associations between IIU and the TNFA-308 and TNFA-238 loci are most compatible with an additive (allelic model)

Locus IIU patients Healthy controls X2 Degrees of freedom p value pc value Odds ratio for minor allele (95% CI)
TNFA −308 (rs1800629)
Genotype frequency AA/AG/GG 3/24/17 2/24/66 13.84 2 0.001 0.019 -
Allele frequency A/G 30/58 28/156 12.64 1 0.00038 0.0042 2.9 (1.6–5.2)
TNFA −238 (rs361525)
Genotype frequency AA/AG/GG 0/16/28 1/6/85 18.36 2 <0.0010 <0.019 -
Allele frequency A/G 16/72 8/176 14.16 1 0.00017 0.0019 4.9 (2.0–11.9)