Table 1 of Jain, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1760-1768.

Table 1. Distribution of age, sex, duration of diabetes, blood glucose and glycosylated hemoglobin levels in the study groups.

Variable Group
Control No DR NPDR PDR
Age (years)
Mean ± SD 52.63±8.04 52.00±6.07 57.21±4.84 53.35±7.14
Sex Male 6 12 13 13
Female 13 7 6 7
Duration of diabetes mellitus (years)
Mean ± SD Not applicable 7.16±6.12 10.26±5.89 11.08±4.61
Blood glucose (mg/dl)
Mean ± SD Fasting 94.35±8.22 115.95±31.39 133.95±65.56 134.60±46.99
Postprandial 139.20±17.17 184.89±61.89 193.16±74.38 208.15±62.13
Glycosylated hemoglobin
(% of total hemoglobin)
Mean ± SD 6.18±1.04, 6.46±0.55, 7.19±1.51, 7.89±1.81,