Table 4 of Dong, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1734-1746.

Table 4. Relationship between the concentrations of the assayed cytokines and the severity of DR.

Levela N IL-10 (SD) IL-12 (SD)
10 28 6.2(5.8) 16.2(11.4)
20 23 5.8(5.5) 13.7(8.9)
35 26 5.2(4.3) 11.5(9.0)
43 18 5.1(3.9) 7.3(5.8)
47 13 4.5(3.3) 6.3(5.3)
53 8 2.7(2.8) 4.0(2.8)
65 7 3.0(2.7) 4.4(3.5)
75 8 3.4(2.5) 4.3(2.6)
81 5 2.4(2.3) 3.0(2.5)
P valueb 0.037 <0.001