Table 3 of Dong, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1734-1746.

Table 3. Relationship between the concentrations of the assayed cytokines and the severity of DR.

Levela N VEGF (SD) IL-1β(SD) IL-6(SD) IL-8(SD) MCP-1(SD) IP-10(SD)
10 28 967.0(425.1) 10.0(12.4) 32.1(33.8) 22.8(22.1) 252.5(227.6) 2.1(1.73)
20 23 952.8(355.9) 11.0(18.4) 33.5(37.1) 20.6(25.5) 303.6(159.32) 2.5(2.7)
35 26 956.4(378.7) 9.2(14.4) 33.1(40.6) 22.7(31.1) 339.5(244.8) 5.6(4.0)
43 18 1084.7(349.9) 10.7(16.4) 33.2(43.3) 24.4(33.1) 468.8(273.9) 5.5(3.9)
47 13 1172.6(423.1) 18.8(15.3) 56.6(51.4) 29.2(33.7) 645.2(318.7) 9.5(12.1)
53 8 1177.3(534.5) 22.7(17.1) 106.7(52.7) 49.4(41.5) 921.2(391.1) 22.3(16.7)
65 7 1142.7(573.3) 23.7(29.0) 116.8(60.4) 51.0(22.8) 1215.1(435.9) 31.3(24.4)
75 8 1051.4(296.6) 27.6(36.0) 147.0(97.1) 75.7(58.9) 1286.6(383.4) 34.3(20.1)
81 5 1165.4(326.8) 45.8(33.1) 188.6(106.6) 74.4(59.3) 1630.8(601.2) 29.2(18.6)
P valueb 0.733 0.003 <0.001 0.001 <0.001 <0.001