Figure 3 of Kabir, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1554-1564.

Figure 3. Electroretinography recordings of PKRP020 and PKRP160 family members. A: OD: right eye, combined rod and cone response. B: OD cone flicker response. C: OS: left eye, combined rod and cone response. D: OS cone flicker response of affected individual 13 of PKRP020. E: OD combined rod and cone response. F: OD cone flicker response. G: OS combined rod and cone response. H: OS cone flicker response of affected individual 9 in PKRP160. I: OD combined rod and cone response. J: OD cone flicker response. K: OS combined rod and cone response. L: OS cone flicker response of unaffected individual 10 of PKRP160. The affected individuals have typical retinitis pigmentosa (RP) changes including loss of rod and cone responses.