Figure 2 of Akhtar, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1526-1537.

Figure 2. Electron micrograph of sample cross-linked (CXL) samples 1, 2, and 3. A: A normal keratocyte with large nucleus is present in the anterior part of the stroma of CXL1. B: An electron lucent part of keratocyte is present in the anterior part of the stroma of CXL3. C: A part of Bowman’s layer which appeared normal in CXL1. D: Patches of microfilaments are present in the anterior stroma of CXL1. E: Randomly running collagen fibrils are present in the anterior stroma in the anterior stroma of CXL1. F: A collagenous pannus at sub-epithelial region is pushing basal epithelial cell in CXL2. E=Epithelium, BW=Bowman’s layer, CF=Collagen fibrils, F=Micro-filaments, KR=Keratocyte, p=Pannus, S=Stroma.