Table 3 of Eberwein, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1492-1501.

Table 3. Comparison of the clinical data of patients with and without ocular cGvHD following HSCT.

HSCT patients without ocular cGvHD (n=9)
(1st quartile / median / 4th quartile) HSCT patients with ocular cGvHD (n=18)
(1st quartile / median / 4th quartile) Level of significance (Wilcoxon test)
Schirmer test 0/2/4 0/0/0.5 p=0.07
OSDI 31/51/56 43/54/77 p=0.15
Break-up time 2/3/4 3/3.5/4 p=0.52
Sex (female) 56% (5) 28% (5) p=0.15
Age (years) 46/55/56 48/53/62 p=0.88
Oxford grading scale 1/2/3 2/3/4 p=0.04
Blinking rate=elevated with blepharospasm 78% (7) 100% (18) p=0.03
% HLA-DR expression 13/29/44 22/28/41 p=0.88
CD8 11% (1) 22% (5) 0.484
Systemic immunosuppression 67% 33% p=0.31
Conjunctival scar 33% 83% <0.05
cGvHD skin 89% 78% p=0.48