Table1 of Khan, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1282-1289.

Table1. Clinical features of family A and family B.

Family Patient ID Age of onset (yrs) Sex Visual Acuity Visual Fields Fundus finding
Family A II:1 22 M 0.02 0.01 Central cecal scotoma Central scotoma Diffuse disc polar
III:1 17 M 0.1 0.08 Central scotoma Central scotoma Diffuse disc polar
Family B II:2 - F - - ND ND ND
II:3 - M - - ND ND ND
III:1 23 M 0.01 0.01 Central scotoma Central scotoma Diffuse disc polar
III:2 26 F 0.1 0.04 Central scotoma Central scotoma Diffuse disc polar
III:6 21 M 0.03 0.04 Central cecal scotoma Central scotoma Diffuse disc polar
III:7 24 M 0.02 0.02 Central scotoma Central scotoma Diffuse disc polar
IV:1 25 M 0.04 0.08 Central cecal scotoma Central cecal scotoma Diffuse disc polar
IV:2 26 F 0.1 0.05 Central scotoma Central scotoma Diffuse disc polar
IV:5 23 M 0.05 0.05 Central scotoma Central scotoma Diffuse disc polar
IV:6 21 M 0.2 0.1 Normal Central cecal scotoma Diffuse disc polar