Table 1 of Imam, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1259-1267.

Table 1. DES and Severity of insulitis

Mouse # Age (weeks) Post- Immune GAD65 Ab (units) Islet
Infiltration (%)* Lacrimal/Harderian
weeks glucose‡
1 26 23 262.5 265 96 OS severe
OD mild
2 23 15 306 26.56 10 OS absent
OD absent
3 27 18 254 16.27 97 OS severe
OD mild
4 27 16 272 144 82 OS mild
OD severe
5 26 23 258.5 295 76 OS mild
OD absent
6 24 17 278 142 45 OS mild
OD absent
7 27 16 296 28.67 26 OS mild
OD absent
8 27 16 259 11.15 77 OS mild
OD absent
9 22 12 271 163 82 OS severe
OD severe
Ctr 32 25 168 5.53 0 OS absent
OD absent