Table 1 of Yazar, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1238-1246.

Table 1. Quality control details of genotyping in both cohorts.

Genotyping Centre Centre for Applied Genomics (Toronto, Ontario, Canada) deCODE (Iceland) CIDR (USA)
Chip Illumina 660 K Illumina 610 K Illumina 610 K
# genotyped SNPs (as supplied) 657,366 592,392 589,296
mean GenCall <0.7 95,876 47,418 36,877
>5% missing 1843 (97,719) 8447 (47,950) 12,455 (37,499)
p(HWE) <10-6 919 (98,449) 2841 (49,616) 15,474 (51,646)
MAF<0.01 (or monomorphic) 23,370 (121,734) 33,347 (69,632) 28,607 (67,969)
# SNPs left 535,632 529,379 531,042
% genotyped SNPs 81.48% 89.36% 90.11%
Dropout rate due to QIMR SNP QC 18.52% 10.64% 9.89%