Table 2 of Han, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1222-1230.

Table 2. Comparison of the intraocular pressure (IOP (in mmHg)) between the two groups*

Time point Group A Group B P value†
Before Cryo 8.9±2.0 (n=18) 9.3±1.5 (n=17) 0.680
At day 1 8.3±1.6 (n=17) 11.3±3.3 (n=16) 0.011
At day 3 10.7±2.3 (n=14) 15.1±8.2 (n=13) 0.058
At day 7 12.8±5.3 (n=11) 24.6±16.5 (n=9) 0.038
At day 14 14.8±5.4 (n=8) 29.9±15.8 (n=6) 0.026
At day 21 15.5±8.3 (n=5) 35.3±2.5 (n=3) 0.008