Table 5 of Shei, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1096-1106.

Table 5. Alteration in mRNA expressions of Slc4 family genes in cultured (passage 2 and 7) mouse corneal endothelial cells compared to the primary corneal endothelium

Gene name Fold change in mRNA expression of MCECs (p2) P value Fold change in mRNA expression of MCECs (p7) P value Significance between p2 and p7
Slc4a1 0.5697±0.0902 0.01433* 3.5308±0.2449 0.00311* 0.00091*
Slc4a2 0.5939±0.0130 0.00034* 4.5631±0.0813 0.00017* 0.00010*
Slc4a3 0.5046±0.0293 0.00116* 7.7543±0.5002 0.00182* 0.00140*
Slc4a4 2.5286±0.0733 0.00077* 14.5707±0.1649 0.00005* 0.00002*
Slc4a5 0.0166±0.0028 0.00000* 0.1081±0.0180 0.00014* 0.00914*
Slc4a7 0.9033±0.1080 0.26121 6.3643±0.4105 0.00195* 0.00102*
Slc4a8 0.0847±0.0184 0.00013* 0.4104±0.1147 0.01238* 0.02797*
Slc4a9 0.0401±0.0093 0.00003* 0.3035±0.0080 0.00004* 0.00001*
Slc4a10 1.3931±0.0404 0.00350* 0.9428±0.0791 0.33701 0.00246*
Slc4a11 0.0525±0.0014 0.00000* 0.1441±0.0020 0.00000* 0.00002*