Table 1 of Zhao, Mol Vis 2013; 19:1039-1046.

Table 1. Clinical features of the patients of this family with adCOD

Patient Age Best corrected visual acuity (R/L) Onset age of photophobia Night blindess Refraction (diopters) Fundus appearance Color vision ERG
II-1 56 0.1/0.2 EC NO −2.75–1.0X180, −2.25–0.75X180 RPE granular abnormalities at the fovea red-green defect N/A
II-4 53 0.1/01 EC NO −5.0–1.25X175,-4.5–1.50X180 RPE granular abnormalities at the fovea red-green defect N/A
III-6 28 0.5/0.5 EC NO −0.5X180,-0.5X175 RPE granular abnormalities at the fovea red-green defect reduction in cone responses and normal rod responses