Figure 7 of Kawakami-Schulz, Mol Vis 2012; 18:606-616.

Figure 7. Neovascularization phenotype in F1 Dstncorn1 progeny. A: Immunofluorescence for CD31 highlights blood vessels that infiltrate A.BY Dstncorn1, B6.Cg-Dstncorn1, and F1 (A.BY Dstncorn1 x B6.Cg-Dstncorn1) cornea. Bar, 200 μm. B: The amount of neovascularization in F1 Dstncorn1 mice is intermediate to and significantly different from either parental strain. Sample sizes: A.BY Dstncorn1 P58 n=11, F1 Dstncorn1 P58 n=14, B6.Cg-Dstncorn1 n=10. Error bars, SEM * denotes statistical significance resulting from t-tests. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001.