Figure 3 of Cybulska-Heinrich, Mol Vis 2012; 18:390-402.

Figure 3. The effect of gingko extract (EGb76) on retinal ganglion cells of rats. A: Retinal ganglion cells density in retinas with chronic, moderately elevated IOP. Retinal ganglion cells (RGC) were counted in the peripheral retina, approximately 4.0 mm from the optic disc. The graph depicts the mean±standard deviation of five animals treated with vehicle. A significant difference between retinal ganglion cell densities in eyes with elevated IOP that were treated with EGb 761 and vehicle was evident (p=0.0007). Four groups of animals: 1) Control without treated, 2) eyes with elevated IOP without treated (Operated, none), 3) Control, treated with EGb 761, 4) eyes with elevated IOP, treated ith EGb 761 (Operated, EGb761). B: Retinal ganglion cells lost at 5 months in rat eyes with chronic, moderately elevated IOP. Two groups: 1) Not treated, 2) Treated with EGB761. Reproduced with permission from Hirooka et al. [71].