Table 2 of Skorczyk, Mol Vis 2012; 18:3004-3012.

Table 2. Clinical data and mutations identified in the patients with XLRS

No Mutation Age of onset (yrs) First symptom Actual VA Funduscopic macular abnormalities OCT ERG Other ophthalmologic symptoms Affected relatives
1 c.176G>C (p.Cys59Ser) 1 strabismus RE: 0.1 LE: 0.2 wheel-like cystic formation typical for RS (intraretinal spaces, cysts) - RS of lower retina quadrants none
2 c.176G>C (p.Cys59Ser) 2 vitreous hemorrhage RE: 0.8 LE: 0.2 wheel-like cystic formation typical for RS scotopic b-wave decreased myopic astigmatism, peripheral RS none
3 c.214G>A (p.Glu72Lys) 1 strabismus, reduced VA RE: 0.1 LE: 0.3 wheel-like cystic formation typical for RS scotopic b-wave decreased - maternal uncle
4 c.218C>A (p.Ser73*) 7 reduced VA RE: 0.4 LE: 0.4 wheel-like cystic formation typical for RS scotopic b-wave decreased - second cousin
5 c.218C>A (p.Ser73*) 10 reduced VA RE: 0.3 LE: 0.4 no macular reflex, pigment deposits typical for RS scotopic b-wave decreased vitreal floaters second cousin
6 c.218C>A (p.Ser73*) 7 reduced VA RE: 0.8 LE: 0.2 pigment deposits typical for RS scotopic b-wave decreased hyperopic astigmatism none
7 c.354–355delCA (p.Asp118Glufs*2) 3 reduced VA RE: 0.1 LE: 0.1 wheel-like cystic formation typical for RS - initial Dg: CME none
8 c.451T>A (p.Tyr151Asp) 6 reduced VA RE: 0.5 LE: 0.6 wheel-like cystic formation typical for RS scotopic b-wave decreased initial Dg: CME; central scotoma 2 affected relatives
9 c.522+1G>T 11 vitreous hemorrhage RE: 1.0 LE: 0.6 wheel-like cystic formation typical for RS nonspecific (hemorrhage) vitreoretinal proliferation, floaters none
10 c.626G>T (p.Arg209Leu) 6 reduced VA RE: 0.4 LE: 0.1 no macular reflex typical for RS scotopic b-wave decreased RS of lower retina quadrants 4 affected relatives