Appendix 2 of Jarrin, Mol Vis 2012; 18:2758-2769.

Appendix 2. Spatio-temporal localization of PCNA during postnatal mouse lens development using immunofluorescence. A.

PCNA-positive nuclei were abundant at the NB stage, primarily in the lens epithelium (i-ii’). Staining was particularly intense in the peripheral lens epithelium (i, iii; arrowheads). Staining was also present, albeit faintly, in the lens fiber cells (ii and iii, asterisks). B. The percentage of PCNA-positive cells diminished in all lens compartments as development proceeded. Statistical significance was determined for all stages with respect to NB (*=p<0.05; n=3). Error bars represent SEM. LEC: lens epithelial cells. LFCs: lens fiber cells. To access the data, click or select the words “Appendix 2.” This will initiate the download of a compressed (pdf) archive that contains the file.