Table 5 of Paine, Mol Vis 2012; 18:2749-2757.

Table 5. Genotypic and Allelic frequency distribution among two discordant groups.

dBSNP Genotype PDR n=60(%) DC n=68(%) OR(95%CI) P
rs833061 TT 25(41.67) 44(64.71) Ref

CT 22(36.66) 20(29.41) 1.93 (0.82–4.54) 0.11

CC 13(21.67) 4(5.88) 5.72(1.15–26.16) 0.005*

T 72(60) 108(79.41) Ref

C 48(40) 28(20.59) 2.57(1.42–4.65) 0.0009*
rs2430561 CC 28(46.66) 45(66.17) Ref

CT 22(36.67) 20(29.41) 1.76(0.76–4.08) 0.17

TT 10(16.67) 3(4.42) 5.35(1.21–32.24) 0.014*

C 78(65) 110(80.88) Ref

T 42(35) 26(19.12) 2.28(1.24–4.2) 0.004*