Table 2 of Paine, Mol Vis 2012; 18:2749-2757.

Table 2. Genotypic/Allelic Difference between cases and controls.

dBSNP Genotype PDR n=253(%) DC n=240(%) OR(95%CI) P
 rs833061 TT 152(60.07) 167(69.58) Ref

CT 81(32.01) 67(27.91) 1.32 (0.88–2.003) 0.16

CC 20(7.92) 6(2.5) 3.66(1.35–11.4) 0.004*

T 385(76.08) 401(83.54) Ref

C 121(23.92) 79(16.46) 1.59(1.15–2.21) 0.004*

CC 172(67.98) 153(63.75) Ref
rs1800469 CT 70(27.66) 73(30.41) 0.85(0.56–1.28) 0.48

TT 11(4.34) 14(5.83) 0.69(0.27–1.71) 0.41

C 414(81.81) 379(78.95) Ref

T 92(18.19) 101(21.05) 0.83(0.6–1.15) 0.26

AA 109(43.08) 131(54.58) Ref
rs2430561 AT 111(43.87) 96(40) 1.38(0.94–2.05) 0.08

TT 33(13.04) 13(5.42) 3.05(1.47–6.62) 0.001*

A 329(65.01) 358(74.58) Ref

T 177(34.99) 122(25.42) 1.58(1.88–2.09) 0.001*