Figure 2 of Jiao, Mol Vis 2012; 18:2633-2646.

Figure 2. Linkage disequilibrium of markers at chromosome 15q14 and chromosome 15q25 in the Guangzhou and Chaoshan populations. Linkage disequilibrium is shown as r2. The chromosomal positions are rs634990 (35,006,073), rs524952 (35,005,886), rs8027411 (79,461,029), rs17175798 (79,463,960), and rs939658 (79,451,869) from GRCh37.p5, build 37.3. For reference, the 5′ end of RASGRF1 is at 79,383,215, the 5′ end of GOLGA8B is at 34,875,771, the 3′ end of ACTC1 is at 35,080,297, and the 3′ end of GJD2 is at 35,044,679; the loci are not included in the regions shown here.