Table 6 of Wang, Mol Vis 2012; 18:2578-2585.

Table 6. The association of PLA2G12A SNP rs2285714 with AMD in a case-control cohort.

 Group nAMD N (%) GA AMD N (%) Controls N (%)
N 158 45 158
Average Age 79.8 79 66.2
% Male 47 42 42
C 179 (56.6) 50 (55.6) 196 (62.0)
T 137 (43.4) 40 (44.4) 120 (38.0)
Allelic analysis p value/OR (95% CI) 0.1318/1.25 (0.93–1.67; AMD at-large versus control)
CC Genotype 52 (32.9) 14 (31.1) 60 (38.0)
CT Genotype 75 (47.5) 22 (48.9) 76 (48.1)
TT Genotype 31 (19.6) 9 (0.20) 22 (13.9)
Dominant Model p value/OR (95% CI) 0.3018/1.25 (0.82–1.90; AMD at-large versus control)