Figure 5 of Fanea, Mol Vis 2012; 18:2538-2560.

Figure 5. Selected in vivo magnetic resonance imaging transverse sections of rat eyes at the peak of experimental autoimmune uveitis. Sites of decreased signal intensity (arrows) in the region of the retina, iris, and ciliary body are clearly visible. The rats were injected intravenously in the tail vein 4 h before magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with A 0.9% physiologic saline and B 300 μM Sinerem solution in 0.9% physiologic saline. The spatial resolution of both MRI images is 40×40×700 μm3, and their acquisition time was 25 min. All MRI images in this figure are T2-weighted. The images were reproduced from [39] with permission from the International Society of Magnetic Resonance.