Figure 1 of Fanea, Mol Vis 2012; 18:2538-2560.

Figure 1. T2-weighted magnetic resonance images: A, C and the corresponding T1 maps: B, D: The image and T1 map in panels A and B are that of a normal eye, while those in panels C and D are of an eye with cataract. No significant differences were identified between the magnitude images of the normal eye in A and that of the eye with cataract in C. The T1 values calculated in ms on the T1 maps show that the T1 values of the eye with cataract in D were two times lower than that of the normal eye in B in the vitreous and aqueous humors. The spatial resolution of the images is 780×1560×2000 μm3, and the images were acquired in approximately 1 min. The images were reproduced from [33] with permission from the Romanian Society of Medical Imaging.