Table 2 of Versura, Mol Vis 2012; 18:2526-2537.

Table 2. Tear proteins recognized by 2100 Agilent Bioanalyzer and validated in the study, listed along with their name and code from S-Prot human database, theoretical molecular weight in kDa and function.

Protein name Protein name database Theoretical size (kDa) 1D SDS–PAGE size (kDa) Bioanalyzer size range (kDa)
Lab-chip Kit Tear/ plasma derived Function
80 230 HS 250
Lysozyme LYSC_HUMAN (P61626) 14 13.8–14.5 12.8–13.7 14.3–15.0 14.8–15.1 Tear Antibacterial enzyme; destroys the cell walls of certain bacteria. Innate immunity
Lipocalin-1 LCN1_HUMAN (P31025) 17 16.5–17.6 16.7–18.4 18.1–19.9 17.7–18.8 Tear Ability to bind small, hydrophobic molecules such as retinol to transport and protect
Zinc-a2-glycoprotein (ZAG) ZA2G_HUMAN (P25311) 34.2 33.0–35.0 21.5–24.6 30.5–36.0 29.7–35.6 Tear, plasma It stimulates lipid breakdown in adipocytes, it may have a role in the expression of the immune response, specific role of ZAG in tears not known
Albumin ALBU_HUMAN (P02768) 68 65.0–68.0 56.7–57.6 59.1–65.4 57.1–58.5 Plasma Transportation of free fatty acids, stabilizing the osmotic pressure
Lactotransferrin TRFL_HUMAN (P02788) 82 78.0–83.0 83.0–84.2 93.7–99.3
105.2–110* 96.5–99.1 Tear Tear Inhibitor of bacterial growth possible anti-inflammatory properties. Innate immunity
Serotransferrin TRFE_HUMAN (P02787) 77 70.0–72.0 64.8–65.1 73.5–78.4 86.0–89.2 Plasma Iron binding transport proteins, expressed by the liver and secreted in plasma
Lipophillin A SG1D1_HUMAN (O95968) 9.8 8.9–9.2 5.2–5.3 9.3–11.0 12.8–13.0 Tear May bind androgens and other steroids, possibly under transcriptional regulation of steroid hormones.