Table 1 of Venkatesan, Mol Vis 2012; 18:2420-2437.

Table 1. Clinicopathological features of the primary RB tumors following the International Intraocular Retinoblastoma Classification (IIRC) with gene expression (by qRT–PCR).

S/N Age/Sex Clinico pathological features Log 2 ratio fold change
1 4/M OS:PD tumor seen in iris surface, trabecular meshwork, diffuse CI with measuring >3 mm thickness, prelaminar, laminar invasion, invasion of anterior & middle portion of sclera . ++ - ++ ++ - NS +
2 3/F OS: WD with formation of fleurettes, prelaminar invasion of ON. ++ ++ ++ ++ + NS ++
3 2/M OS:WD massive CI >3 mm, tumor cells invading the anterior, middle and posterior border of sclera with spill over into the orbital tissue. ++ ++ ++ ++ + + NS
4 4/M OD:PD, there is full thickness diffuse CI measuring >3 mm, tumor cells touching the anterior border of scelra, prelaminar invasion of ON ++ ++ ++ ++ + NS ++
5 8/ F OD:UD, tumor cells adherent to iris surface, invasion of ciliary process, diffuse full thickness CI >3 mm, invasion of prelaminar, laminar & post laminar portion of ON,outer margin of sclera. ++ ++ ++ ++ + NS ++
6 6mon/F OS;MD, CI measuring >3mm, prelaminar invasion and laminar invasion of the ON. ++ ++ ++ ++ + + ++
7 3/M OS:PD, focal CI measuring <3 mm. ++ ++ ++ ++ + NS ++
8 5/M OD:UD prelaminar invasion of ON ++ - ++ ++ + NS ++
9 2/F OD: PD, tumor cells in iris surface, full thickness CI measuring 10 mmx7 mm.Sclera invasion. ++ ++ ++ ++ + NS ++
10 1/F OS: WD, focal choroid invasion measuring <3mm. ++ ++ ++ ++ + NS ++