Table 1 of Takaoka-Sugihara, Mol Vis 2012; 18:2221-2228.

Table 1. Results of genotyping of the isolates and BLAST search.

Isolate Sex Age (y) Strain [GeneBank] Tissue source Homology Genotype
E44 F 35 ATCC 50497 [U07410] cornea 100% T4
E46 M 28 ATCC 30461 [AY026243] cornea 99% T4
E51 F 34 AC 29 [AB554228] cornea 99% T4
E52 M 59 CDC V390 [AY703004] cornea 99% T4
E57 F 47 CDC V062 [AY702989] cornea 100% T4
E58 M 17 CDC V029 [U07402] cornea 98% T4