Figure 3 of Amadio, Mol Vis 2012; 18:2153-2164.

Figure 3. In mono- and cocultures of pericytes and endothelial cells, PMA treatment increases PKCβII, HuR, and VEGF protein levels. A-B: Mean gray level ratios (mean±SEM) of PKCβII/α-tubulin, HuR/α-tubulin, and VEGF/α-tubulin immunoreactivities were measured with western blotting in pericytes (PC; A) and endothelial cells (EC; B). The comparisons were performed between control (CTR) and PMA-treated (PMA) cells in monoculture (mono) and in coculture (cocu) separately. *p<0.05; **p<0.005, n=5.