Table 4 of Ecker, Mol Vis 2012; 18:1658-1667.

Table 4. t-test results showing the proteins with significantly different levels between Group 1 and Group 2.

Protein p-value Percent difference
MMP-9 p<0.0001 82.1% higher in Group 1
IL-12 p=0.0018 33.5% higher in Group1
cABL T735 p=0.0040 30.6% higher in Group 1
Heme Oxygenase-1 p=0.0064 26.2% higher in Group 1
Musashi p=0.0175 45.9% higher in Group 1
PDGFRβ Y751 p=0.0238 21.3% higher in Group 1
IL-8 p=0.0355 23.0% higher in Group 1
BAD S112 p=0.0478 23.4% higher in Group 1