Figure 1 of Rosen, Mol Vis 2012; 18:1640-1648.

Figure 1. Melatonin protected the retinal pigment epithelium (RPE) cells against H2O2 damage, especially in high concentrations (10−4 M) and luzindole decreased the protective effects of melatonin. Phase-contrast microscopic images of the effects of melatonin and its membrane-receptor antagonist (luzindole) on retinal pigment epithelial cells against H2O2 damage. A-F: The RPE cells are from the ARPE-19 cell line (an immortal RPE cell line from a 19-year-old donor). G-L: The RPE cells are from the primary culture (PC) from the donor eye. ARPE-19 and PC cells were cultured with or without H2O2, melatonin, and luzindole, as follows: without H2O2, melatonin, and luzindole(A and G); with H2O2 at 0.5 mM concentrations for 24 h (B and H); with H2O2 and a pretreatment of melatonin at 10−10 M (C and I) or at 10−4 M (D and J) for 24 h; or with luzindole (50 μM, 1 h), followed by melatonin at 10−10 M (E and K) or at 10−4 M for 24 h (F and L). H2O2 was then added and the ARPE-19 and PC cells cultured for 24 h.