Table 5 of Longo-Mbenza, Mol Vis 2012; 18:1619-1628.

Table 5. Independent role of 8-isoprostane on the presence of visual disability in Central Africans.

Independent variables B coefficient Standard error Wald χ2 OR (95% CI) p-value
Safou fruit intake
No versus Yes 3.764 0.584 41.610 43.1 (13.7–135.4) <0.0001
Yes versus No 1.348 0.598 5.083 3.9 (1.2–12.4) 0.024
≥60 years versus <60 years 1.225 0.496 6.100 3.4 (1.3–9) 0.014
High versus Normal level 2.397 0.607 15.609 11 (3.4–36.1) <0.0001
Constant - 5.413 0.900 36.163 <0.0001