Figure 5 of Lim, Mol Vis 2012; 18:1436-1448.

Figure 5. Identification of network with common gene interactions involved in postnatal sclera development using IPA. IPA was used to generate several networks using differentially expressed transcript cluster list from week 2 versus 1 (A), week 3 versus 2 (B), week 6 versus 3 (C), and week 8 versus 6 (D). The network from each differentially expressed transcript cluster list with common gene interactions (calculated by Fisher’s exact test; p<0.05) was identified. Ppargc1a was the only common gene that was involved in the networks generated from differentially expressed transcript cluster list of week 2 versus 1, week 3 versus 2, week 6 versus 3, and week 8 versus 6, respectively. Red color represents the upregulated genes and green color represents the down-regulated genes from micro array analysis. Intensity of the color indicates the gene expression level.