Figure 2 of Lim, Mol Vis 2012; 18:1436-1448.

Figure 2. GO analysis of sclera postnatal development. GO analysis was used to identify that the main biologic processes that were involved in scleral growth from postnatal week 1 to 2 (A), week 2 to 3 (C), week 3 to 6 (E), and week 6 to 8 (G), respectively. Furthermore, forest plots were generated to analyze the percentage of genes that were either upregulated or down-regulated in each of the biologic processes that was involved in scleral growth from postnatal week 1 to 2 (B), week 2 to 3 (D), week 3 to 6 (F), and week 6 to 8 (H), respectively.