Figure 7 of Lei, Mol Vis 2012; 18:103-113.

Figure 7. Autofluorescence of macrophage and microglial cells after 4 day feeding with different preparations A: FACS analysis in FITC channel (detection filter wavelength, 533/30 nm) of the microglial cells and macrophage cells fed with different preparations. B: FACS analysis in PE channel (detection filter wavelength, 585/40 nm) of the microglial cells and macrophage cells fed with different preparations. Note the LLAF increase in cells fed with retinoids, especially the increase observed after feeding with 11-cis-retinal at 585 nm compared to that at 533 nm. Abbreviation key: ATRS=all-trans-retinal; 9-cis=9-cis retinal; 11-cis=11-cis-retinal; Lipo=liposome preparation. Each bar reflects the average value obtained from three samples. Asterisks indicate statistical significance (one sample t-test; * p<0.05, ** p<0.01).