Figure 4 of Lei, Mol Vis 2012; 18:103-113.

Figure 4. Transmission electron microscopy of microglial cells after 4 day feeding with ROSs. A: Electron micrographs of microglial cells (control). B: Electron micrograph of microglial cells after 4 day feeding with bleached ROSs. Magnification: 6,000×. A higher magnification of the intracellular inclusion body region is presented in the micrograph below (magnification 26,000×). C. Electron micrograph of microglial cells after 4 day feeding with unbleached ROSs. Magnification: 4,200×. A higher magnification of the intracellular inclusion body region is presented in the micrograph below (magnification 43,000×). White arrows indicate intracellular inclusion bodies in the higher magnification photographs in B and C.