Figure 1 of Roesch, Mol Vis 2012; 18:1197-1214.

Figure 1. Single cell transcriptional profiles of genes highly associated with Gfap. Single MGCs were picked from dissociated retinas from two strains of degenerating retinas and from WT retinas. Single cell RNAs were reverse transcribed, amplified with PCR, and applied to Affymetrix microarrays. Columns represent the signal from single cell samples, rows represent genes. A heatmap was generated in TreeView such that bright red represents >10,000, and black <1,000, varying shades of red the values in between. A Fisher’s exact test was run to find genes that were coregulated with Gfap (Affymetrix identifier X1426508_at). All the top hits for genes coregulated with Gfap and their corresponding p values are shown. MGC samples: WT=wild-type, Rhod-ko=Rhodopsin knockout model, rd1=phosphodiesterase beta 1 rd1 mutant on the FVB strain background, and cong FVB is a WT control for rd1 on a congenic FVB background. Time points chosen are >21 days for WT, and 8 weeks and 25 weeks for the peaks of the two cell death waves in the Rhod-ko model. The corresponding time points in the rd1 are postnatal day P13 and 5 weeks. MGCs from congenic FVB at P13 were profiled as WT samples that are better age matched to the early cell death wave in the rd1 model.