Appendix 1 of Roesch, Mol Vis 2012; 18:1197-1214.

Appendix 1. Full Affymetrix data set.

Signal levels of all 28 MGC arrays are represented in an Excel table. To access the data, click or select the words “Appendix 1.” This will initiate the download of an Excel (.xls) archive that contains the file. Signals from microarrays were processed by using Affymetrix Suite Software (MAS 5.0). The resulting data was exported as tab delimited text file. WT=wildtype, Rhod-ko=Rhodopsin knockout model, rd1=rd1 model, and cong FVB=congenic FVB. Time points chosen are > 21 days for WT, and 8 weeks and 25 weeks for the peaks of the two cell death waves in the Rhod-ko model. The corresponding time points in the rd1 are postnatal day (P) 13 and 5 w. MGCs from congenic FVB at P13 were also profiled as WT samples to closer age match the early cell death wave in the rd1 model.