Figure 3 of Sommer, Mol Vis 2012; 18:92-102.

Figure 3. Expression constructs designed for studying expression of pCTRP5 and pCTRP5 promoter activity. Six constructs were made to investigate pCTRP5 expression and putative pCTRP5 promoter activity. The initial vector was pEF CTRP5 wt. All other vectors were based on modifications to this expression vector. Figure abbreviations are as follows: wt=wild type Ser163 allele, mt=Arg163 mutation, T=V5 epitope tagged, S=pCTRP5 short. The short pCTRP5 genomic fragment is missing 461 bp of the upstream sequence, including the possible promoter and alternative in-frame start site. Constructs made with EF1α promoter were used as experimental controls for promoter expression studies.