Figure 2 of Sommer, Mol Vis 2012; 18:92-102.

Figure 2. Genomic structure of pCTRP5 and protein homology of pig CTRP5 with the human protein. A: The pCTRP5 was amplified from genomic DNA by PCR, cloned, and sequenced. The pCTRP5 consists of two exons; its coding sequence is highlighted in yellow, the Ser163 codon is highlighted in red, a potential in-frame alternative start codon is highlighted in pink, the transcriptional start site (TSS) is highlighted in blue, and various transcription factor binding sites are highlighted in green. B: The protein homology between the pCTRP5 and hCTRP5 protein is represented. The pCTRP5 protein sequence is shown in black and the human in blue. The underlined residues indicate the five amino acid differences between the pig and human protein. The Ser shown in red indicates residue 163.