Figure 7 of Aki, Mol Vis 2012; 18:996-1003.

Figure 7. The reactivity of the peptide 3R antibody toward T18 LR peptide isomers. Results of ELISA assay for determining the specificity of the anti-peptide 3R antibody using T18LR of αΑ-cystallin (IQTGRDATHAER) in which the Leu residue before the Asp residue was replaced with Arg, and in which the 2 different Asp isomers (L-α-Asp- and L-β-Asp) were included. ELISAs were performed with a combination of a 100 times dilution for the first antibody and a 10,000 times dilution for the second antibody. The reactivity of the peptides can be expressed as a percentage using the reactivity toward T18 Dβ as 100%. (n=3, ±2σ [sigma]).