Figure 4 of Kumari, Mol Vis 2012; 18:957-967.

Figure 4. Immunolocalization of AQP5 in mouse cornea. A: Schematic diagram of a mammalian cornea showing the five layers. B: AQP5 localization (green) in central corneal epithelial cells and stromal keratocytes. C: AQP5 knockout mouse central corneal epithelial cells and stromal keratocytes showing lack of immunoreactivity. D: AQP5 localization (red) in the limbal area of the cornea; the window in D is enlarged and shown as E. E: AQP5 (red) in limbal stromal keratocytes. F: AQP5 knockout mouse corneal stromal keratocytes in the limbal area with no immunoreactivity. B, C: FITC conjugated secondary antibody. D, E, F: Texas Red conjugated secondary antibody; blue, nuclear stain DAPI. Epi: epithelium; Str: stroma; En: endothelium; arrows- antibody binding.