Figure 5 of Hou, Mol Vis 2011; 17:627-637.

Figure 5. The ARPE19 cell proliferation inhibitory effect from single short-term exposure of HDP-PMEG and 5-FU. A: Following a 50-min contact, 2 µM and 6.32 µM HDP-PMEG inhibited cell proliferation by 50% and 75%, respectively, which were equivalent to 200 µM and 2,000 µM of 5-FU. The 5-min exposure also induced significant proliferation inhibition. However, the inhibition was consistently less than that from 50-min exposure cross all concentrations. The mark on the top of each bar represents the standard deviation. B: The Müller cell proliferation inhibitory effect from a single short-term exposure of HDP-PMEG and 5-FU. Both 5- and 50-min exposure induced dose dependent inhibition by 5-FU and HDP-PMEG. In a 50-min exposure, 2 µM HDP-PMEG induced a similar growth inhibition as that observed by 200 µM 5-FU. C: The anterior scleral fibroblast proliferation inhibitory effect from a single short-term exposure of HDP-PMEG and 5-FU. For the anterior scleral fibroblasts, a 20 µM HDP-PMEG 5-min exposure induced a 65% inhibition while even 20 mM 5-FU did not achieve the similar magnitude growth inhibition.