Table 1 of Inagaki, Mol Vis 2011; 17:598-606.

Table 1. Clinical characteristics of chronic graft versus host disease patients with corneal perforation.

Case number Case 1 Case 2 Case 3 Case 4
Age (Years), sex 62, M 21, M 70, M 56, F
Underlying disease AML (M4) AML (M0) AML (M4) CML
Type of treatment Allo-PBSCT mini BMT Allo-PBSCT mini BMT
Onset of dry eye (month) 6 4 4 N.A.
Onset of corneal perforation (month) 17 20 30 8
Schirmer Test (mm) 1 0 4 10
Fluorescein Score (9 points) 9 9 3 3
MGD score (3 points) Unknown 3 3 Unknown
External bacterial flora culture MRSA Trichosporon spp. MRSA negative
Entropion + +
Corneal neovascularization + +
Topical drops (corticosteroid) + (1 day)* + (5 years)** + (3 weeks)***
Topical drops (NSAIDS) + (3 weeks)§ + (4 months)¶
Oral corticosteroids (PSL) + (3 months) + (15 mg) (6 months) + (10 mg) (> 2 years) + (> 20 mg) (2 months)