Table 3 of Sorkhabi, Mol Vis 2011; 17:41-46.

Table 3. Correlations between 8-OHdG and TAS in serum and aqueous humor of glaucoma patients.

  8-OHdGs 8-OHdGa TASs TASa
Variable r p r p r p r p
8-OHdGs - - −0.21 0.29 −0.77 0.001 −0.17 0.40
8-OHdGa −0.21 0.29 - - −0.20 0.31 −0.80 0.001
TASs −0.77 0.001 −0.20 0.31 - - 0.48 0.01
TASa −0.17 0.40 −0.80 0.001 0.48 0.01 - -