Table 1 of Yang, Mol Vis 2011; 17:3088-3096.

Table 1. Clinical and biochemical markers for the studied groups.

Clinical characteristics DWR (n=139) DR (n=129) p value
Age of diabetic onset (years) 50.45±8.00 48.68±9.58 0.1
Sex (Male/Female) 58/81 57/72 0.78
Duration of diabetes (years) 15.06±4.38 14.59±7.52 0.52
BMI (kg/m2) 24.55±4.00 24.79±4.36 0.63
WHR 0.92±0.06 0.93±0.07 0.37
High albuminuria(-/+) 121/17 81/48 < 0.001
Systolic blood pressure (mmHg) 136±16.97 137.1±16.15 0.59
Diastolic blood pressure (mmHg) 77.38±8.82 78.92±10.05 0.33
Insulin therapy (yes/no) 47/92 81/48 < 0.001
HbA1c (%) 7.07±1.39 7.93±1.67 < 0.001
FPG (mmol/l) 8.23±2.46 9.23±2.97 0.003
Creatinine (µmol/l) 65.14±16.49 71.49±24.42 0.02
Uric acid (µmol/l) 275.8±77.83 277.7±68.38 0.84
Cholesterol (mmol/l) 5.22±0.95 5.26±1.13 0.7
Triglycerides (mmol/l) 1.67±1.09 1.67±1.17 0.75
HDL cholesterol (mmol/l) 1.21±0.29 1.23±0.32 0.65
LDL cholesterol (mmol/l) 3.08±0.79 3.08±0.86 0.98