Figure 4 of Liang, Mol Vis 2011; 17:3062-3071.

Figure 4. Characterization of lop11 lenses. The persistence of nuclei in lop11 lens fiber cells (arrows) was first observed in P0.5 lenses without any other significant morphological differences noted between wild type (A, B) and lop11 (C, D) lenses; the same findings were noted in P7 wild type (E, F) and lop11 (G, H) lenses. Quantification of lens fiber nuclei number in the lens cross-sections in P0.5 and P7.5 wild type and lop11 lenses is shown in K. The error bars represent the SEM and asterisks indicate significant differences (p<0.05; t-test) calculated from comparison with wild-type. Immunohistochemistry of P0.5 wild type (I) and lop11 (J) lenses using anti-MIP antibody showing lens fiber cell staining. L: BrdU incorporation in the lens epithelial cells of E16.5 mice. Percentages of BrdU-positive cells are shown from six different animals. Error bars represent SEM. The scale bars in A, C, E, and G indicate 250 µm, whereas B, D, F, and H are 50 µm. All sections are cut in the center of the lens, containing the pupil and optic nerve.