Figure 1 of Cheriyan, Mol Vis 2011; 17:3055-3061.

Figure 1. Immunohistochemical micrographs of lubricin (red chromogen). A: Low magnification of lubricin-containing meibocytes (black arrows) and lubricin stained hair follicle (white arrow). B: High magnification of lubricin-containing meibocytes. C: High magnification of a lubricin-stained hair follicle (white arrow) in the eyelid. D: High magnification of lubricin staining (black arrow) in the central meibomian duct and equivocal staining of cell debris at the opening (double black arrow). E: Low magnification of lubricin staining (black arrow) in the central meibomian duct and equivocal staining of cell debris at the opening (double black arrow).