Table 1 of Yang, Mol Vis 2011; 17:2978-2985.

Table 1. Relative ZO-1expression (normalized by β-actin) in iHTM and GTM3 at 12 h and 24 h culture in a conventional incubator (control) and 60 mmHg pressure system.

Group 12 h-ctrl 12 h-60 mmHg 24 h-ctrl 24 h-60 mmHg
iHTM (means±SD) 0.712±0.199 0.540±0.227 0.813±0.204 0.566±0.160
GTM3 (means±SD) 0.408±0.368 0.214±0.240 0.901±0.183 0.502±0.163