Figure 4 of Christianson, Mol Vis 2011; 17:2947-2955.

Figure 4. RGCs transfected with YFP using the modified capillary gun retain functional axonal transport. A, B: The number of RGCs functionally transporting a fluorescently labeled cholera toxic B (CTB) tracer and accumulating CTB in their somata does not differ between untransfected (A) and modified capillary gun-transfected (B) explants. C: In contrast, RGCs from explants transfected with a conventional entrainment biolistic device show marked disruption of axonal transport in comparison to non-transfected controls. D: Quantification of the number of cells transporting the tracer confirms significant impairment of transport capacity by the conventional entrainment device but not by the modified capillary gun. E: Quantification of the capacity of YFP-expressing RGCs to transport CTB also reveals significant impairment after transfection with the conventional entrainment biolostic device compared to the modified capillary gun. *p<0.05 by ANOVA. Scale bar represents 50 μm.