Figure 6 of Heynen, Mol Vis 2011; 17:2934-2946.

Figure 6. Ablation of cell division cycle 42 homolog (S.cerevisiae; CDC42) does not affect endogenous signaling pathways after light exposure. A: Twelve-week-old Cdc42 conditional knockdown (cKD; black box) and control (white box) mice were or were not (dark control; DC) exposed to 13 klux of white light for 2 h, and retinal tissue was isolated at different time points after light exposure as indicated (0–120 h). Relative mRNA levels of indicated genes were compared to the respective levels of non-exposed control mice (DC), which were set to ‘1’. Shown are mean values±SD of 3 independent mice. Statistical differences of means were calculated using ANOVA (ANOVA) followed by a bonferroni post-hoc test. * p<0.05; ** p<0.01; *** p<0.001. B: Total retinal extracts from Cdc42 cKD and wild type controls (control) at indicated time points after light exposure (as in A) were immunoblotted. Shown are representative blots of n=3.