Figure 4 of Heynen, Mol Vis 2011; 17:2934-2946.

Figure 4. Ablation of cell division cycle 42 homolog (S.cerevisiae; CDC42) does not affect retinal morphology and function. A: The retinal morphology of Cdc42 conditional knockdown (cKD) and control mice was examined. Shown are representative sections of 3 independent animals per genotype. B: Gene expression levels of rod (rhodopsin, Rho; rod transducin, Gnat1) and cone markers (middle wavelength cone opsin, Opn1mw; short wavelength cone opsin, Opn1sw) were analyzed in 12-week-old Cdc42 knockdown (black box) and control mice (white box). Shown are mean values±SD, of 3 independent mice. Expression in control mice was set to ‘1’. C: Retinal sections of Cdc42 knockdown and control mice were stained for RHO (top panels, green), GNAT1 (middle panels, red), and OPN1sw (bottom panels, red). Blue: nuclei (4’,6 diamidino-2-phenylindole [DAPI] staining). Shown are representative sections from 3 mice. D: Representative scotopic (dark-adapted) and photopic (light-adapted) single flash electroretinogram (ERG) recordings with increasing light intensities show retinal function of Cdc42 knockdown (red line) and control (black line) mice at 12 weeks of age. The vertical line shows the timing of the light flash and flash intensities are indicated in [log (cd*s/m2)]. E: B-wave amplitudes of scotopic (SC) and photopic (PH) single flash ERG recordings in Cdc42 knockdown (red line, n=3) and control (black line, n=4) mice are blotted as a function of the logarithm of flash intensity. Boxes indicate the 25% and 75% quantile range, whiskers the 5% and 95% quantiles and solid lines connect the medians of the data. Scale bars: 50 mm. OS: photoreceptor outer segments. IS: photoreceptor inner segments. ONL: outer nuclear layer. INL: inner nuclear layer. GCL: ganglion cell layer.